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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 11/12/21

Aloha Kahalu'u Ward,

I have recently been drawn to the promise of peace that comes from the gospel. Not in the sense of nation versus nation, but individual peace of spirit, heart, soul that overpowers all of the noise, chaos and sorrow of the world outside, within the home or wherever it comes from.

Elder Quentin Cook’s talk in this past general conference “Personal Peace in Challenging Times” gives us some ideas and guidelines for helping to bring greater peace into ourselves.

He teaches:

First: Love God, Live His Commandments, and Forgive Everyone

Second: Seek the Fruits of the Spirit. Among those that qualify us are the fruits of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance.” Paul also includes bearing one another’s burdens and being not weary in well-doing.

Third: Exercise Agency to Choose Righteousness

Fourth: Build Zion in Our Hearts and Homes

Fifth: Follow the Current Admonitions of Our Prophet”

He closes by quoting President Nelson, “He has taught us that we can “feel enduring peace and joy, even during turbulent times,” as we strive to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.” Give it a read, and strive for greater peace.

Aloha, Kaihaku Chun

Kahalu'u Ward Elders Quorum President

Meeting Schedule & Links


  • Youth & Family Fireside with Elder Bednar: The Youth and their Families across the Stake are invited to a special evening fireside this Saturday November 13th at Waikalua Chapel from 7-8pm to hear from Elder David A. Bednar.

  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for November can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Nov 20th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Nov 20th assignment: Comstock (Team Lead), Ah Nee, Chun (Kamana'o & Pie), Dano (Dayton & Vika), Finau, Hirokawa, Kahalepuna, Kekaula (Keanue & Amy), Leoiki-Haile, Maualaivao, Pang, Suguturaga, Tsuji, Woodland.

  • Tithing Settlements: Appointments are available for Tithing settlements on Sundays after church (in person) or Tuesday evenings (via Zoom). Sign up for your appointment here.

  • Elders Quorum Service Project: Dump Runs: Saturday Nov 20 from 9am-11am, the Elders Quorum will be making runs to the dump with trucks. If you have some junk that is ready to go to the dump, please email the EQ presidency to schedule pickup and removal.

  • Basket of Blessings: Sign up HERE to donate food items for our Thanksgiving baskets. Drop off for donated items will be Sunday, Nov 21 at Waikalua Chapel.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • 2021 Indexing Challenge: Deadline is Nov 19 @ 2pm. See below flyer for details. See also the attached Family History newsletter for November.

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