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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 8/20/23

Aloha my brothers and sisters,

These past few weeks we have seen the sad destruction of our beautiful Hawai’i. All of the fires and hardship to our islands has been absolutely heartbreaking. While looking at various videos and pictures of Lahaina, it is so heartwarming to see that two of our very own chapels were untouched by the fire, whilst everything else around it is burnt to ashes. Seeing this was really strengthening for my own testimony. It taught me that through the midst of darkness, we can turn to Heavenly Father to keep guide us to the light and safety.

Alma 27:12 says, “…therefore get thee out of this land; and blessed are this people in this generation, for I will preserve them.” When I read this I immediately connected it to the fires not only in Hawaii, but all natural disasters we see all over the world. This verse shows us how if we are diligent and do what the lord asks, he will protect us from harm. This also applies to our everyday harm. Going to a bigger school, I see different people with different believes or at some times none at all. I can see the lords work in my life after comparing my life to someone who might not have as strong of a relationship with him.

I bare my testimony that if we continue to diligently follow the Lords commandments, and continue to faithfully do the things that bring us closer to him, we will be protected. The chapels in Lahaina were preserved for a reason, let that be our sign to start choosing the right, and strengthening our relationship with him so we too, may be preserved. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Malia Kaonohi

Kahalu'u Ward Laurel's President

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • August 13, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE

Missionary Moment


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • AUGUST: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • Aug 20, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 20, Sunday 4 pm - Youth Council @ Bishop’s Office

  • Aug 20, Sunday 6:30 pm - SED @ Bishop’s House

  • Aug 24, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 27, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 31, Thursday 6-8 pm - Relief Society Social @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sept 3, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sept 7, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sept 10, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sept 14, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

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