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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 8/18/24

Updated: Aug 24

Aloha Kahaluu Ohana,

Last week my Mom shared a special post to our family group text:

"When you're hanging on by a thread, make sure it's at the hem of His garment."

This thought is in reference to the story during Christs ministry, in Matthew 9:20-22 where the woman in the crowd with the issue of blood was healed when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. This story highlights the power of faith and the compassion of Jesus towards those who were outcasts in society.

We all go through our own personal trials and pain. Some trials are visible but many of our heaviest moments are dealt with quietly and personally.  It is my hope and prayer that during those times we will remember the love of the Savior, put our faith in Him, and hang on tight. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we allow ourselves to feel the Saviors love for us and through our faith He will heal us and strengthen our testimony in Him.

Sis. Melanie Afualo Relief Society President

Sacrament Meeting Schedule & Program

Aug 19, Sunday 2 PM - Sacrament Meeting Program:  CLICK HERE 

Zoom Link for Sacrament Meeting available upon request. Contact Bishop Tano or Bro. Hirokawa.


  • Missionary Meals:  August Calendar needs attention please. Elder Santiago & Elder Stone need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • Sign up to get free church magazines delivered to your home: CLICK HERE

  • AUGUST: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter 

  • Aug 18, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 18, Sunday 4 pm - Youth Council @ Bishops Office 

  • Aug 18, Sunday 7 pm - SED @ Bishops House 

  • Aug 22, Thursday 6:30, 7:30 - Baptisms for the Dead @ Laie Temple 

  • Aug 25, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 30, Friday 6:30 pm - Youth Combined Movie Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sep 1, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sep 5, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sep 5, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sept 8, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Sep 10, Tuesday 6 pm - Ward Temple Night (Second Tues Every Month) @ Laie Temple 

  • Sep 12, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

Missionary Corner

Howzit family, friends and fellow missionaries 

The Lord continues to bless ya boy out here in Colorado. Excited to fill you guys in on what happened this week.

Weekly Highlights:

- Biggest highlight of the week was getting a call on Wednesday morning from our mission president informing Elder Holdaway and I that we will be training a new missionary. It's weird because it's halfway through the transfer already. It's also crazy because I was telling Elder Holdaway it stinks that we'll probably never train a new missionary as zone leaders. The Lord heard my prayers and we received a blessing in our new companion Elder Langi. He's from Tonga and he's such a stud. It's legit like I'm hanging with some of my friends from Kahuku. Super humble and ready to work. Our trio is just a powerhouse fr fr. Love my comps

- Elder Langi's first night we went on exchanges with Elder Greep and we were just getting to work. We were talking to absolutely everyone we could and found a lot of new friends. Especially while filling up our car with gas. I used to be nervous talking to people at gas stations but now it's one of my favorite things. I just love to talk about Jesus Christ to everyone .

- I went on exchanges with Elder Parker who is a walking Bible dictionary. This elder knows his stuff and he's a fabulous teacher. We taught someone who believes one of his past life's he was Jesus Christ. Our guy Jens was tripping .

- Elder Langi and I were called up to bear our testimonies in sacrament and it was great. Everyone came up to us after and loved that they got a double dose of Polys in their ward. Especially having Elder Tai Hook here right before we got here. Aloha spirit goes crazy .

Appreciate all of you and I love you guys. Have a good week. Catch you guys next week.

Shoots, Elder Dano

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