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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 7/30/23

Aloha Kahaluu Ward

As a parent, I’m grateful knowing that my children have been blessed with good friends who are members of the church. Recently, these friendships have been a joy and comfort in their lives. Seeing them surrounded by friends who share their faith and values gives me a sense of reassurance, knowing they are hanging out with like-minded individuals on their spiritual journey. I am thankful that these friendships have become a strong gospel support system.

I express sincere gratitude to our bishopric, Sunday school teachers and youth leaders for the meaningful, fun spiritual activities and lessons they’ve worked so hard to plan. Through Trek, youth retreat, SED and much more, my children have grown in their testimonies so much, that we no longer have to convince them to go to church activities or beg them to get dressed for church so we can be on time. They genuinely want to attend and oftentimes, are the ones reminding us it’s time to go. The positive influence of the Kahaluu youth, have helped in overcoming the challenges and distractions of the world and keep them more gospel-centered.

To the parents of the youth, thank you for taking the time to teach your children gospel principles and for showing them such a great example to follow. Many of you have offered rides and helped my children by living the “it takes a village” mentality in serving our youth. I couldn’t ask for more, as a parent, then to have my children learn and grow from the other youth in our ward and engaging in wholesome activities together. I am forever grateful for the beautiful friendships they have formed, that they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

In summary, THANK YOU!

Brother Jeff Vilardi

Ward Mission Leader

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • July 16, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE

Missionary Moment

Last week I forgot to mention how our friend Joan came to church. This is a big deal because I just found out yesterday that she has been investagating the church since the ward was created and that was about 15-20 years ago. She hasn't come to church in 8 years so getting her there was a big mircale. What's even crazier is when we met with her this week she asked me "Elder Dano when you leave?" I told her most likely at the end of August. Her response had me speechless. She said "I wanna get baptized before you leave". I've been working so hard with her and it's been a struggle but these types of moments is why I'm out here. To give people the oppurtunity to expericence the joy Jesus Christ brings.


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • AUGUST: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • Aug 2, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 6, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 10, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 12, Saturday 9:30-11:30 am - Stake Primary Activity @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 20, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 20, Sunday 4 pm - Youth Council @ Bishop’s Office

  • Aug 20, Sunday 6:30 pm - SED @ Bishop’s House

  • Aug 24, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Aug 27, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

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