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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 7/3/22

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Aloha my brothers and sisters,

Our father in Heaven gives us many opportunities to share the gospel, but we have to be open to listen and to act in these promptings. I have a friend that I’ve known since elementary and we are now in high school and play sports.

At Kahuku there are lots of members so sometimes I forget not everyone is if our faith. My my friend would always ask me about seminary and I will invite him to try and attend. Towards the end of school this friend started showing up to seminary on his own and even told me he watched general conference and took some notes. This took me by surprise because I never thought he would actually come and listen to general conference. He joked about us both being in the Kahalu’u Ward. But even then I was hesitant to invite him to church. I don’t know why, I didn’t know if he was serious or just kidding around, but in reading a scripture in 1Samuel 16:7 it says,

"Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart" 1 Sam. 16:7.

It’s not up to us to decide who’s ready to head the gospel, but we should just open our mouth and invite them. Anyone. Everyone. All should hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope we all find the courage (especially Me) to not be afraid to share the gospel more freely and openly with everyone.

Aloha, Sarah Koa Afualo

Laurels President, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • July 7, Thursday 6:30pm - Primary Activities @Keolu Hills Chapel

  • July 7, Thursday 6:30pm - Primary Activities for CTR Boys @Bro. Pomai Kekaula's House

  • July 7, Thursday 6:30pm - Youth Night & Baptism for Sean Niblock @Keolu Hills Chapel

  • July 10, Sunday 11am- Ward Council @Zoom

  • July 10, Sunday 2pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

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