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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 6/5/22

Aloha Kahalu'u Ward,

We live in a world where the requirement to be fast has become increasingly important. Everything needs to be fast and efficient, with as little delay as possible. As a software developer, I can see that the speed of the software we develop is of increasing importance as well. Sometimes in developing a website, it is important to some to measure how many potential customers a company will lose if a certain aspect of a website’s performance is slowed by just a few seconds. There are other things that are so critical that they can’t be slowed down by just a few seconds. However, imagine if everything becomes critical by the second, we can easily become very overwhelmed.

There’s a story I have learned as a kid. A farmer is impatient that his crops take too long to grow, the sprouts are always short. He can’t wait for the sprouts to grow taller. He becomes so impatient that he pulls the sprouts higher up from the ground regularly. He says to his son, look how tall all my crops are after I have pulled them to help them grow. When his son looks at the crop, all of them have died. President Russell M. Nelson once said “In Hebrew, the word Sabbath means ‘rest.’ What did the Savior mean when He said that ‘the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath’? I believe He wanted us to understand that the Sabbath was His gift to us, granting real respite from the rigors of daily life and an opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal. God gave us this special day, not for amusement or daily labor but for a rest from duty, with physical and spiritual relief.” Resting is so important that it becomes one of the ten commandments. Of course, it’s not a reason for us to become lazy. God also reveals to us that He want us to “labor, and do all thy work” in the six days of the week. And of course, we all know this famous scripture from King Benjamin: “And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.” It’s easy to forget that sometimes we need to slow down, and rest. Sometimes we may want to go slow to go fast, to be diligent but do take a rest, and do it with wisdom and order. Taking a pause to rest and refresh is sometimes what we need to go further. Mahalo! Brother Hiew, Kahalu’u Ward Executive Secretary

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • Jun 5, Sunday 2 pm Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jun 5, Sunday 4:30-8 pm Seminary Graduation @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jun 6-10, YM High Adventure

  • Jun 6-11, YW Girl's Camp

  • Jun 9, Thurs 6:30 pm Deacons Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

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