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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 6/26/22

Aloha from Northern California,

We've been at my parents’ place the past few weeks, so I'm glad to have the chance to write this ward message to stay in touch with you all.

Summertime in California is hot, and with the heat the rattlesnakes emerge from their dens to hunt mice. This year they seem to be everywhere. Since we’ve been here, we’ve already seen four. Just this past Thursday, I almost stepped on a small rattlesnake curled up under some leaves in the yard. The only reason I stopped short was because I was watching for snakes, something I learned growing up out here. From an early age, I was taught to always keep my guard up when working outside in the summers. I've done it so long now that it feels more like an instinct than a conscious effort. If I'm outside, I'm always looking for snakes—in the tall grass, between the rocks, stretched out in the shade under an oak tree. Reading through this week's lesson and studying the stories of both King David and King Solomon, I couldn't help but make a connection to my experience with the rattlesnakes. I thought it was interesting how these two men who had performed great acts were later led astray by seemingly small distractions. David, who with the strength of the Lord had defeated Goliath, and Solomon, whose sharp discernment had been able to find justice in an impossible situation, both let down their guard and in their moments of weakness turned away from God. It can feel difficult to always keep our guard up against the distractions of temptation, and of course none of us are perfect. But just like with the snakes, if we are persistent and work to keep our minds focused on the teachings of the gospel, we can develop an instinct for avoiding temptation and avoid the fates of David or Solomon. Temptation will find all of us, but if we are diligent we can be ready. At the very least, we can be thankful there are no rattlesnakes on O‘ahu.

With aloha,

Marshall Comstock

Kahalu’u Ward Clerk

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


Congratulations to Kaimana and Rainbow Uli'i for being sealed in the temple yesterday! Congratulations to Joanna & Megumi Ah Nee for receiving their temple endowments this past week! Thank you to all who supported and came out to our Youth Beach Bash at Kualoa Beach Park!

Nice job Kahalu'u Youth for providing strong numbers at the Tri-Stake Dance in Kalihi!

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • June 26 Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • June 26 Sunday 7 pm - Come & See Fireside @KH

  • June 26 Sunday 7 pm- Youth SED @Bishop’s House

  • June 28 Tuesday 6:30 pm - Teachers/Mia Maids Movie Night @Bishop's House

  • June 30 Thursday 6:30 pm - Priests/Laurels & Deacons/Beehives - Youth Night @Waikalua Chapel

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