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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 6/19/22

Aloha Ward Family,

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of

reward. [Hebrews 10:35]

“With any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, but

once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a

good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for

it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly don’t give

in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your

doubts. Master your fears. ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence.’

Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you.” [Jeffrey R. Holland, June


With aloha,

Terence Miyahana Kahalu’u Ward High Councilman

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


Congratulations to Kaimana and Rainbow Uli'i for receiving their temple endowments yesterday! Thank you to all who supported and came out to yesterday's Ward BBQ at Kuala!

Nice job Kahalu'u Youth for showing up in force at the Stake Pre-FSY activity! Our ward had the most youth in attendance!

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • June 19, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • June 19, Sunday POSTPONED - Youth SED @Bishop’s House

  • June 22, Wednesday 11-Noon - Funeral Services for Sis. Fran Andrus @Waikalua Chapel

  • June 24 Friday 3:00 pm - Youth Beach Bash @Kahana Bay

  • June 26 Sunday 11:00am - Ward Council @Zoom

  • June 26 Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • June 26 Sunday 7 pm - Come & See Fireside @KH

  • June 26 Sunday 7 pm- Youth SED @Bishop’s House

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