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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 5/21/23

Aloha Kahalu’u Ward,

Stake Conference weekend is here! It is our hope that you find added strength in the gospel of Jesus Christ through the messages delivered and your fellowship with other Saints. This weekend, Elder Mark A. Bragg who is a General Authority Seventy will be in attendance at our Stake Conference activities. In our recent April 2023 General Conference, Elder Bragg gave a talk on having "Christlike Poise". I had never heard of the word "poise" used to describe an emulating characteristic of our Savior before. It was interesting to hear his backstory. Elder Bragg's father played for the legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden. On one occasion, young Elder Bragg, asked Coach Wooden, what advice he had as he entered his senior year of high school. Always the teacher, Coach Wooden said, “Your father told me that you have joined the Church of Jesus Christ, so I know that you have faith in the Lord. With that faith be sure to have poise in every situation. Be a good man in a storm.”

Elder Bragg expanded this thought into our lives, when he stated, "Spiritual poise blesses us to stay calm and focused on what matters most, especially when we are under pressure."

"It is through Christ and His Atonement that all good things come into our lives. As we remember who we are, knowing that there is a divine plan of mercy and drawing courage in the strength of the Lord, we can do all things. We will find calm. We will be good women and men in any storm.

May we seek the blessings of Christlike poise, not only to help ourselves in challenging times but to bless others and help them through the storms in their lives."

At times it seems as if the responsibilities we shoulder seem to make us feel like we are in a never-ending hurricane season. I have found hidden strength while running on fumes when I have put myself in the Lord's hands to do His work. I have kneeled down and called upon Him in prayer, and I have recognized His merciful hand in my life, helping me to find pace and accomplishment through chaos and doubt. Challenges come in many forms, but on the other side of it, there can be joys to be found. May we remind ourselves of the poise Jesus Christ showed throughout his life, and know that His example can set an example for us to find success and eternal happiness, is my prayer.


Bishop Tano, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • May 21, Sunday 10 am - Stake Conference Virtual Line: CLICK HERE


8:30am - 9:15am Special Group Meeting All Single Adults ages 18 - 30

10:00am - 12:00pm General Session All Stake Members and Friends

The Sunday General Session will also be broadcast live via youtube with the link below:

  • May 21, Sunday 7 pm - Stake Come & See Fireside (Kahalu'u in Charge) @ Waikalua Chapel MARK YOUR CALENDARS! THIS WILL BE A FIRESIDE YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS!

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