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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 4/30/23

Aloha Brothers and Sisters,

It's a standard truth of baseball that the very best hitters in the game fail at their job about 60+% of the time. It might be the only job in the world where you can fail that consistently and not only still keep your job, but be counted among the best at what you do.

This has been a difficult concept for my son, Kuahiwi, to grasp. He just moved up from T-Ball to Coach Pitch, and he's had to learn that even when he hits the ball well, there's still a good chance he'll get out. He hates getting out. Hates it—to the point that he'll try to avoid hitting altogether just to avoid making an out. I was thinking about this recently when I came across a quote from Brother Milton Carmago's talk from the last General Conference. These were opening lines of his message: "My father used to tell me, 'Don't focus so intently on your problems that you can't see the solution.'"

Of course for Kuahiwi, the solution to his fear of getting out in his baseball games is just to hit more, but he has trouble seeing that because he's focused less on having fun and enjoying the hits when he gets them, and more on how bad it feels to get out. And, to be fair, it's easy for me to simplify his problem, but how often in my own life am I doing the same thing? How often are we focused too intently on our own problems that we can't see the solution.

The ultimate point of Brother Carmago's talk is that the solution to even our most difficult problems is Jesus Christ. I imagine He must look at us struggling in the same way I look at Kuahiwi. He knows exactly how to help us, if we will only let him. I'll end with another quote from Brother Carmago: "The Lord Jesus Christ lives today. He can be an active, daily presence in our lives. He is the solution to our problems, but we must lift our eyes and raise our sights to see Him. He has said, 'Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.'"

Marshall Comstock

Ward Clerk, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • April 23, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Baptism for Sister Fran Amport, Saturday April 29th

  • Ward Conference Missionary Video

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • APRIL: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • May 3, Wednesday 6:30 pm - Etiquette Dinner Training w/ Kaneohe 1st Ward @ Waikalua Chapel

  • May 4, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • May 6, Saturday 9-12 Noon - Stake Young Men’s Service Project @ T&C Stables

  • May 7, Sunday 2pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • May 10, Wednesday (Reserved Sessions) - Stake Temple Night @ Laie Temple

  • May 13, Saturday 5:30-9 pm - Youth Etiquette Dinner @ Kailua Chapel

  • May 14, Sunday 2pm - Sacrament Meeting (Happy Mother’s Day) @ Waikalua Chapel

  • May 17, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • May 21, Sunday 10 am - Stake Conference @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • May 21, Sunday 7 pm - Stake Come & See Fireside (Kahalu'u in Charge) @ Waikalua Chapel

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