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Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/6/22

Aloha Kahalu’u Ward,

Earlier this week I worked with a good friend of mine. We were on a flight to Portland. My friend isn’t a member of the church. But I’ve never felt he was the type to ever be interested. Our conversations are always about everything…but church. The very next morning as we were getting ready to head back to Honolulu, before leaving my hotel room, I said my morning prayer. I just simply asked my Heavenly Father, that if He would provide me an opportunity alone with my friend, would He please give me a way to say something about the church. About 2 hours into the flight, my friend and I were alone in the kitchen area of the plane. Once again, talking about everything…but church. During our hangout, my friend had to go to the restroom. As soon as he left, I heard this voice loud and clearly in my ears say, “Ummm, you asked for an opportunity to be alone! It’s been at least an hour since you guys have been sitting there! Open your mouth!!” I immediately said to my Heavenly Father, “Ok, ok…I’m sorry. Now please help me say the right thing.” When my friend returned, I remember… both my hands rubbing the top of my thighs as I took a deep breath and said, “Hey bro, what is your stance with faith? Like, do you believe in God?” And from there, our conversation about the church just took off. He had questions, I had answers, and I got to bear my testimony to him. It was amazing. I was so stoked. My Heavenly Father is amazing!! When He says to just open our mouths and He will fill them with His words….He means it!! Kahalu’u Ward, OPEN YOUR MOUTHS and proclaim His word. Engage in His work everyday. Hasten the work we were asked to do. Have a blessed week. Aloha, Brother Joe Fano Sunday School President, Kahalu'u Ward

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