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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/3/24

Aloha Kahalu'u Ward,

When I entered the mission field and walked into our apartment on that very first day, this quote

by Henry D. Moyle of the First Presidency, was up on the wall.

“I shall go to my grave saying that missionaries ... never rise in their entire life above the stature they carve out for themselves in the mission field.”

This quote served as the model for us to work hard while in the mission field. It’s amazing that

missionaries are as hardworking as they are. No one tells them to get up every morning, study

the Gospel every day, get out of the apartment to work every day, and get to bed every night.

This pattern further serves as the model for us in life. In any calling, not only missionary work;

in our daily work; and in our family, we should do the best we can. The rest of his message continued:

“I ask the missionaries all over the world to write that in their book, and then read the

book ten years from now. If perchance, they have not risen in that first ten years after

they come home from the mission field, above that status of mediocrity that they [may

have] maintained in the mission field, [they should] get down on their knees, pray, and

work a little harder and seek to overcome that tremendous handicap they placed upon

themselves by their lack of application, lack of appreciation, and lack of dedication in the

mission field.” (Address to California Mission June 2, 1962.)

It’s also not a trap for predestination. No one can be perfect all the time. The Atonement of Jesus

Christ allows the chance to learn and improve when we fall short or make mistake.

Bro. Terence Miyahana

Stake High Councilman

Meeting Schedule & Links

Mar 3, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting Program:  CLICK HERE 

Zoom Link for Sacrament Meeting available upon request. Contact Bishop Tano or Bro. Hirokawa.


  • Missionary Meals: Elder Hamblin (L) & Elder Specner (R) need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

Missionary Corner

We also had 2 baptisms this week! Our friends Yzmer and Allen were both baptized on Saturday and then confirmed on Sunday. It was such a special and spiritual baptism. Yzmer has been meeting with the missionaries for a while now and is the daughter of a returning memeber. Their family is amazing! The other friend Allen was actually found by my companion and his past companion on January 24, 2024. He was baptized exactly 1 month after meeting the missionaries. I came here on the 27th of January and have been blessed to be a apart of his journey. He told us that he will be moving back to China on the 28th of February and wanted to be baptized before that. So we helped him to be prepared. He is such an elect individual. We had a lesson last week and were talking about eternal families. He shared with us that he comes from a broken home and never really knew what family was like. He said that the concept of a family was something foreign or strange. But when we told him that we were spiritual brothers, the light in his eyes BEAMED! He gasped really big and said "WE ARE BROTHERS? I HAVE BROTHERS?" He had such a big smile on his face. It was so pure and heart warming. But yeah he is so amazing! I hope when he comes back from China, he will still go to church.

Love, Elder Kekaula

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