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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/27/22

Aloha Kahalu’u Ward,

The Lord wants us to have hope and be optimistic.

In “Preach My Gospel”, chapter 6, pg. 117, we can find a section about hope. It defines hope as “a binding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance.”

It also says that when we have hope, we “work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for [our] good”.

Often, in the scriptures, hope is described as assurance that Heavenly Father wants us to inherit eternal life, and that we are His children.

With divine potentials, we are designed to handle discouragement, setbacks, trials and afflictions, and rise above those challenges with hope.

We are also created by Heavenly Father with the divine potential to live hopefully and joyfully. With hope and optimism, “it will all work out”, as President Hinckley famously said.


Brother Hiew

Kahalu'u Ward Executive Clerk

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