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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/11/23

Aloha Kahalu'u Ward, The Relief Society was organized on March 17, 1842 with just 20 women in a red brick store in Nauvoo, Illinois. Today it continues to be one of the oldest and most influential women's organizations in the world. This past Thursday our Kahalu'u Ward combined with Kaneohe 1st and 2nd to commemorate the 181st birthday of Relief Society. We were inspired by the Girls Day holiday of Japan, and enjoyed a themed event of Japanese cultural bon dance, potluck treats, crafts and family history. We even had a special surprise; members of the Waimanalo ward came and made fresh andagi for our guests throughout the night! Many hands worked together to make this event a success, as we were blessed with a packed cultural hall of nearly 200 sisters, many not of our faith, to enjoy the bonds of sisterhood and true fellowship. As I looked around the room, I thought about the humble beginnings of our own Kaneohe area; when early saints met in garages, homes, school cafeterias, and later in their very own chapels in our beautiful Ko'olaupoko home. I was filled with gratitude towards those who have come before us to make our paths of life a little easier. I was quickly reminded of the Savior's love and his desire for us to continue the work of filling our chapels with our fellow brothers and sisters, and bring them to the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we look forward in faith, it is my prayer that we continue to work as our ancestors, both of our faith and our family, and create a legacy of love for generations to come. Aloha, Melanie Afualo Relief Society President

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting (Elder Enoch Candari Aloha Oe) 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • MARCH: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • Mar 16, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Mar 16, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Mar 19, Sunday 6:30 pm - Baptism for Wesson Mills @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Mar 26, Sunday 2:00 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Mar 30, Thursday TBD - Youth Temple Baptisms @ Laie Temple

  • April 1, Saturday 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm - April 2023 General Conference Sessions

  • April 2, Sunday 6 am, 10 am - April 2023 General Conference Sessions

Missionary Corner

I have 2 more days before I'm headed to Italy! I'm so excited and can't wait to leave the mtc. These past 2 weeks have been a little rough but I've been working so hard. This is the hardest I have had to work in my life and I love it

- Elder Vilardi

Wednesday was so good. The super good part of the day was that we had a miracle. We went to an address that was someone who was a former investigator. The address took us to a shopping center unfortunately but there were town houses behind the shopping center we decided knock. Didn't have success for the first few houses but then we stumbled upon Helen. The first person we've found since I got here. It was so funny because it was my turn to talk at the door and when she said she was interested I kinda fumbled my words because I've gotta so used to being rejected . But we set up a time to come back and got her number. When we got out of the view of the house Elder Callister and I were jumping for joy and giving each other hand shakes. We were so pumped and excited. That reminded me why I'm out here. To find those few who are ready to hear.

- Elder Dano

Something that I learned this past week was the importance of faith or belief in Jesus Christ. We all need a strong foundation to build off of. Like building a house, if you have a weak foundation, the house will fall and crumble when it's hit by a storm. But, if you have a strong foundation, the house will be able to withstand and hold up against the storm. Faith is so important in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We first need to believe in all the things of Jesus Christ in order for him to bless us. All blessings we partake of comes from our faith and obedience. This is such an important principle especially as a missionary because you can see the difference big time when you're lacking faith. Like there will be days when you feel lazy, tired, and don't have much faith and because of that you'll have a really junk day. And you won't be successful. But the days when you're energetic, and have a lot of faith will be successful and fun.

- Elder Kekaula

Here's a scripture I really liked reading this past week: "The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God." - Mosiah 15:31. I liked this one because it reminded me about how important this work is. God wants everyone around the world to be able to accept His gospel. Even the smallest of places should still be able to see His salvation and so this work is one of the most important things we need to do. That is share the gospel with those around us.

- Elder Kaonohi

This week I'd like to share just one special experience we had with a wonderful member this past Saturday. We'll call her yuuko shimai! She took us out to go visit a bunch of less active members and had prepared gifts beforehand. It was such a blessing, first, that almost every door we visited opened and had the person we were looking for! And second, the last door we visited was a lady who, it was all someone we had just met then, but she started crying sharing her testimony of Christ despite trials she's faced. And I couldn't understand everything, but you could really feel that she just needed this visit. The spirit was so strong!

Then afterwards we got sushi together, and we found out that that day was yuuko shimai's one year since she lost her daughter to cancer. I was floored and so inspired that on such a sad day where she could've spent it wallowing, looking inwards and doing many other things to help herself, she instead went out and spent it in the service of others.

The Character of Christ is one in which even amidst our own suffering, we still look outwards and tend to others. Yuuko shimai was such a huge example of this to me, and I was and am so continually grateful to meet such Christlike people and experience the love they have for others, and for me. I know Christ lives because I see Him everyday in the examples of others. And because of Him, I can do better to look up to God & out to others in those moments when all I want to do is look inwards.

- Sister Suguturaga

I'm getting transferred! Temporarily I think. 2 missionaries are leaving early so me and my companion are filling in their spots for a bit until actual transfers happen. For the next 2 weeks I'll be in Shimizu, which is still in Kumamoto, but it's more of a city area. My companion, Elder Barlow, is going to Nagasaki.

I might not go back to Yatsushiro because the mission president asked me to pack all my things and completely clean the apartment. I'll find out in 2 weeks. I like Yatsushiro because even though there's not a lot of members, I grew really close with them. I'm also grateful that I was able to be Elder Barlows companion. He helped me become an obedient and diligent missionary.

- Elder Tano

Today we had an after baptism lesson with Gwendolyn and Kazu. They have been struggling with some things lately and so we chose to talk about the strength that comes from Jesus Christ. Usually in the lesson both Gwendolyn and Kazu don't answer or change the subject to other things but this lesson they both were so engaged. They read the scriptures with us and bore their testimonies of their gratitude for this gospel. When we asked them who they wanted to say the opening and closing prayer they both volunteered. Both of their prayers were so sweet and I could feel their love for each other and this gospel. Both of them are so kind to each other and sacrifice a lot so that the other sibling can have something. For example Lazu works really hard so that he can buy things for Gwendolyn like airpods, clothes, food,etc. He works 6 days a week from 8am-8pm and always comes home with food and treats for Gwendolyn. When we asked him what his goal in life was he said to be successful so that I can take care of my sister. From the first time I met them till now I have seen them grow so much and become converted to The Lord. I know that this gospel brings true blessings and I hope throughout this week you all can recognize the blessings in your life.

- Sister Ah Nee

This past weekend our friend Anthony was baptized and confirmed. Such an awesome experience! Since I'm new to the area I haven't actually talked to him that much yet. Both our lessons with him since I've been here have canceled, but I met him at church and then again when he was interviewed for baptism. He has so much faith! When the missionaries here first met him he told them he'd been waiting for them to come by because he'd recently moved from California where he'd been meeting with missionaries but hadn't seen them since moving here. From what I've heard, he has read through the Book of Mormon, translating it into his native language and sending the translations back to his home country! He is so cool!

- Elder J. Boone

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