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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 2/5/23

Aloha Kahaluu Ward,

Missionary work is vital the the gathering of Israel, which as we know is the “most important work happening on this Earth today”. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have the important responsibility to share the gospel. In a 2021 devotional with Elder David A. Bednar, the question, “How can I be a better missionary at school” was asked. He answered with the idea that if we just live the gospel and set a good example, the light of Christ will shine and people will naturally want that same light. In last week's Come Follow Me reading we learned about the Baptism of Jesus Christ. This made me think of my baptism and how, when we get baptized, we covenanted to take upon ourselves the name of Christ, and we renew that covenant when we partake of the sacrament. If we take upon the name of Christ, we are acting as Christ would act by being an example to our peers. As we shine the light of Christ in us, we can be better missionaries and help gather Israel, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Tua Fano

Priests 1st Assistant, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • Feb 9, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Feb 12, Sunday 4:30-6:00 pm - Stake Youth Council @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Feb 12, Sunday 6:00 pm - General Priesthood Meeting @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Feb 19, Sunday 5:30 pm - Baptism for Kahana Leoiki-Haili @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Feb 19, Sunday 7:00 pm - SED @ Bishop's House

  • Feb 26, Sunday 7:00 pm - Come & See Fireside @ Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

Missionary Corner

MTC was great but it's nothing like the mission field. I'm super grateful for my teachers and friends I've made at the MTC. The memories and improvements I've made for myself is something I couldn't have done without the MTC. But I'm finally out here in Colorado. It's so beautiful up here. I love being in the country1

- Elder Dano

We ended up doing a lot of door knocking. While doing this we were trying to find some of the inactive members on our area book but no one seemed to be home. So we just kept on knocking and knocking. But nobody wanted to hear our message and would just turn us away. Some were polite and others weren't. So it got pretty discouraging after a bit. And to add on to this is was so hot and raining on and off. So after a few hours Elder Lim and I were pretty over it and tired, but we still had work to do! So we decided to pray and ask Heavenly Father to lead us to people that are ready to hear our message and open to learning more about Him. After this prayer we continued for maybe another 40 minutes and still got nothing. So we decided to go back to our bikes and go to another area just a few streets down. Before we started door knocking again we prayed again for guidance to people that are open and ready to hear our message. And then we went back to work! I think it was either the second or third door we knocked, and we found Fabian. We told Fabian our purpose and what we do as missionaries and he told us he was Catholic but didn't mind hearing from us. So we taught him the Restoration lesson. He was so engaged and interested the entire time. He was keeping eye contact and asking questions about each principle. But yeah it was a great lesson and the Spirit was definitely present with us. After we closed the lesson he shared with Elder Lim and I that he prayed two days before asking for help and specifically asking for God to send him people who can help him because he realized he hasn't been to church in a while. And two days later Elder Lim and I show up at his house. After hearing this I felt to happy! This is a pure testimony of the power of prayer! - Elder Kekaula

One miracle we found was with one of our new friends, Peter. We found him door knocking this week and so far our lessons with him have just been a great spiritual experience for me. We taught him about Jesus' Atonement and the importance of sacrament. During this time I felt prompted to have him read some scriptures about the sacrament. We helped him through it and it definitely lifted up his spirit and he was smiling when he finished. We could tell the Holy Ghost was with him while he read. In the end he wanted to come to church with us.

- Elder Kaonohi

We made it a goal to greet everyone we passed while we rode our bikes. As we got to the stop light right before our house we saw another person on their bike. We gave him our biggest smile and asked him how he was doing and where he was headed to. I think we caught him by surprise because he almost fell off when we said hello. Luckily he started to talk to us and we explained how we were missionaries. We then asked for his line (contact) and asked If he wanted to set up an appointment with us. He said yess, so we will teach him next week! - Sis. Ah Nee

This week Elder Wada from the quorum of the seventy came to the Fukuoka Mission. He's also the president of the Asian North area. He talked to us about "feasting upon the words of Christ" and about teaching investigators. He knows grandma and papa really well so I got some attention and became kinda famous. Elder and Sister Wada said grandma's cooking is really good and they want to eat sushi with papa again. - Elder Tano

3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. 2 Nephi 32:3

Here's to more feasting on good food and on the good word of God! - Sis. Suguturaga

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