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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 2/20/22

Aloha Kahaluu Ward Ohana,

As a parent, I cannot begin to comprehend the anguish and pain of the trial Abraham and Sarah

faced when commanded to sacrifice their only son, Isaac. But, they prevailed and were

immeasurably blessed. Was their trial really a test of their obedience or did an omnipotent

Lord already know the outcome?

Trials, pain, suffering, heartache, difficulties are a necessary component of our earthly

education. Without experiencing the bitter, we cannot learn to appreciate the sweet. Without

overcoming our trials, we cannot obtain our divine potential. We came to earth not only to

prove ourselves, “to see if we will do all things whatsoever the Lord our God shall command

us”, but to also be molded and shaped by the loving coaching of Heavenly Parents.

Abraham, Sarah and Isaac grew in stature through exercising their agency and having faith in

the plan of a loving God. Would Abraham and his posterity have had the same impact upon

God’s children without having gone through their adversities?

Let us be ever so grateful for opportunities the Lord puts in our path where we can be polished

by His hands. Let us petition for strength in our infirmities. Let us pray to become, “More,

Savior, like Thee.”

With Love and Aloha,

Shelley Ah Nee

Young Woman’s President

Meeting Schedule & Links


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012

  • Youth Activity 6:30pm @ Waikalua Chapel

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