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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 12/5/21

Aloha e Kahalu’u ‘Ohana…

Living on Kamehameha Highway has its challenges. For us, this means KC gets creative when setting up our Christmas inflatables. Living without a front yard means they’re put on the roof…and are now more susceptible to the elements. Throughout this week, I noticed that whenever strong wind pushed our 10 year old Santa too far backwards, his aged motor wasn’t strong enough for him to right himself without some help. And by help that meant me on my tippy toes poking at him with Grandma’s rake. I know KC will fix this. Our kids AND Grandma really enjoy the outside decorations. But until this windy/rainy weather passes, we’ll continue to “poke“ Santa now and again.

Lately, I’ve felt like my Santa inflatable. I’d start off with things going the way I planned…I’ve got a positive attitude, a smile, and I'm there for everyone that passes by. But then I get knocked down…kids catch a cold, ugly weather cancels my walk with Shae, my to-do list is unfinished. I’m sure you all experience this from time to time and the “wind” can seem overwhelming, sometimes even relentless.

We never truly know what others are going through. Because of this, Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Seventy reminds us that, “We can hold up His light by doing what He did: to love God and love our neighbor by lifting up those who are down, helping fulfill the needs of those in want, and comforting those who hurt.” Usually I can right myself, but more often than not it’s a little “poke” that helps me get back up (thank you friends and family). During this holiday season, I hope we ALL can be that light, that “poke” which helps another.

Take care, Kyra Chun

Kahalu’u Ward Primary President

Meeting Schedule & Links


  • Dec 18th, Ward Christmas Dinner Sign Up. CLICK HERE to access the Dinner Bento Sign Up for you and any guests. The event will be from 5:30-7:30 PM. You can begin setting up your EZ Up tents anytime after 3 PM.

  • Stake Primary Virtual Sing Along.

  • CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON DEC 12 @7 PM! this StakePrimary Virtual Christmas Sing Along is more than listening to cute children on a stake YouTube video. It is about willing hearts sharing the message of a Savior to the World through the tenderness of children and those who supported them. Think of it like primary programs that are one of the most attended sacraments of the year because of authentic messages of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for Decmber can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Nov 20th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Dec 11th assignment: Mills (Team Lead), Ah Nee (Joshua & Josephine), Candari, Dano (Brennan & Shari), Fetzer, Hiew, Kahalepuna, Kekaula (Keanue & Amy), Leoiki-Haili, Nauahi (Eleni), Pound, Suguturaga (Jioji & Dynna), Tyler, Mendame.

  • Tithing Settlements: Appointments are available for Tithing settlements on Sundays after church (in person) or Tuesday evenings (via Zoom). Sign up for your appointment here.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • SUN, Dec 19th Come & See Fireside: Please note the fireside will be held over zoom and in person at the Waikalua building due to a conflict at the Keolu building.

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