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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 12/11/21

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Mele Kalikimaka Kahalu'u Ward Ohana,

I’m lost for words that would begin to be sufficient enough to express gratitude and appreciation to our amazing Ward Ohana. Recently we have had the wonderful opportunity along with many blessings to experience as both youth and leaders “Fundraising”. We have been able to witness the true meaning of Ohana. The ward has come out in full support and then some without any hesitation for the youth. As we diligently and humbly do the Lord's work we are blessed and able to witness miracles.

We are so proud in a humbling way of ALL our youth. During these past few weeks we have witnessed them come out to work at the earliest hours of the morning and stay till the darkest of the evenings in efforts to help raise funds for future upcoming events such as FSY, High Adventure and youth retreats. We've seen them come from LONG days of seminary, school, athletic practices , upcoming Christmas concert rehearsals and, for some, even work. Their efforts really validate this quote shared recently a wise man: “There is joy to be found throughout the chaos."

With an attitude of gratitude in each and everyone of them, as they arrive and report to a shift taking on any and all responsibilities, we once again were able to witness the strength of our youth. We pray for those who didn’t have the opportunity to come out. They are loved and missed; we hope in time they may soon be able to join us. We have grown to LOVE and APPRECIATE each and every one of you by name. Thank you for being the youth of our Kahalu’u Ward and of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

During this joyous season of the remembrance of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, let us not get overwhelmed by things of little matter. Let us be as the humble shepherds who left their worldly concerns and went “with haste” to see the Christ child. Let us devote our attention to sharing the light and redeeming message of the gospel of Jesus Christ without reserve and without delay! With Much Love & Aloha, Shelley Ah Nee

Kahalu'u Ward Young Women's President

Meeting Schedule & Links


  • Dec 18th, Ward Christmas Dinner Sign Up. CLICK HERE to access the Dinner Bento Sign Up for you and any guests. The event will be from 5:30-7:00 PM. NEW CHANGES: The Stake has informed us that no food can be eaten indoors or outdoors. Bentos will still be served and handed out to-go, but there is no need to bring a pop up tent for eating outside. Please sign up for bentos HERE or contact Kaihaku Chun for help. The event will be held indoors. The program will be shortened, but we will still have holiday music, games, photo booths, an angel tree, goodie bags, prizes and fun fellowship. See you there this Saturday!

  • Angel Tree Donation Sign Up. Primary is accepting donations for their Angel Tree Drive. CLICK HERE to donate or Contact Primary President Kyra Chun for more details.

  • Stake Primary Virtual Sing Along.

  • CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON DEC 12 @7 PM! this StakePrimary Virtual Christmas Sing Along is more than listening to cute children on a stake YouTube video. It is about willing hearts sharing the message of a Savior to the World through the tenderness of children and those who supported them. Think of it like primary programs that are one of the most attended sacraments of the year because of authentic messages of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for Decmber can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Nov 20th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Dec 18th assignment: Ammon Kaonohi (Team Lead), Ah Nee, Chun (Kamana'o & Pie), Dano (Dayton & Vika), Finau, Hirokawa, Kanahele-Mo'o, Kekaula (Pomai & Chante), Mainaaupo, Nauahi, Skaggs-Gorai, Teritua, Vilardi

  • Tithing Settlements: Appointments are available for Tithing settlements on Sundays after church (in person) or Tuesday evenings (via Zoom). Sign up for your appointment here.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • SUN, Dec 19th Come & See Fireside: Please note the fireside will be held over zoom and in person at the Waikalua building due to a conflict at the Keolu building.

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