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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 10/30/22

Dear Kahalu'u Ward,

My heart is full of gratitude this holiday weekend. Thank you to all who made time and attended our Halloween Dinner and Trunk or Treat. Thank you to all who brought delicious dishes for us to enjoy! Thank you to all those involved in the Youth Program for hosting such a wonderful night of ward bonding. I am sure many will carry fond memories of this event for years to come.

As a ward family, we have been so blessed through the love, effort and sacrifices of our members in exercising their will to be "anxiously engaged in our good cause". I truly feel the positive momentum of our collective efforts charging in a righteous direction. There is a fire and awakening of the gospel of Jesus Christ within our little patch of Zion. Many members have accepted and magnified new callings. There are less than a handful of you who have had their callings longer than the year and a half that I have been called as Bishop. That's a lot of change and opportunity for growth! Many of you have extended hands of loving service to be there for one another in times of need. Many have returned to in-person Sunday Service! Many of you are walking the covenant path and seek the presence of the Savior in your lives. Thank you all for being a part of this feeling of unity within our ward, stirred up in the gospel, all working together in synchrony and loving one another through your purposeful acts of kindness.

Right now we currently have 12 full-time missionaries who are either in the field, in the MTC, or have received their calls serve... and we even have one awaiting their call in the coming days. ...and that's not all, because soon there will be 13 as one more has recently completed his missionary application! ...and that does not include James and Benjamin from the Boone family who many of you are familiar with from their time in Kahalu'u Ward. Both are in the field. Such a wonderful point in time for our ward family, but this does not come without the cost of sacrifice from the families of these missionaries.

This past Tuesday, Leeah and I sent our second oldest son Kaleb, off to the Provo, Utah MTC and dropped him off at the HNL airport. As right as his decision is to want to serve the Lord, it is still so hard for our family. Watching my sons hug each other and crying was gripping on my heart and got me choked up as well. As we drove away with watery eyes, I told my 2 younger sons in a cracking voice, "We sacrifice so much for the Lord, huh". Their silence was a sign of acknowledgement. One day I hope they understand that when we do hard things in the gospel... when we sacrifice ourselves in the work of the Lord... when we keep God's commandments, then he promises us great happiness.

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." -King Benjamin (Mosiah 2:41)

With Love,

Bishop Tano

List of Full Time & Prospective Missionaries

  1. Elder Brenden Tano, Japan, Tokyo South Mission

  2. Elder Joshua Candari, Service Mission

  3. Sister Lenaca Suguturaga, California, San Jose Mission

  4. Sister Lenora Suguturaga, Japan, Tokyo North Mission

  5. Elder La'akea Ka'onohi, Australia, Adelaide Mission

  6. Elder Kaleb Tano, Japan, Fukuoka Mission

  7. Sister Joanna Ah Nee, Japan, Fukuoka Mission

  8. Elder Morris Graham, Canada, Vancouver Mission

  9. Sister Winnie Graham, Canada, Vancouver Mission

  10. Elder Elijah Kekaula, Singapore Mission

  11. Elder Maddux Vilardi, Italy, Rome Mission

  12. Elder Mason Afualo, Awaiting Mission Call

  13. Elder Dustin Dano, Mission Application Completed

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Oct 30, Sunday 10-Noon - Stake Conference, General Session @Keolu Hills Chapel

  • Virtual Broadcast also available here: CLICK HERE


  • Tithing Declaration Appointments Begin. CLICK HERE

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them !at (808) 379-8012.

  • Nov 3, Thurday 6:30pm - Youth Night @Waikalua Chapel

  • Nov 3, Thurday 6:30pm - Primary Activity @Waikalua Chapel

  • Nov 6, Sunday 2pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

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