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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 1/9/22

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

Dear Kahalu’u Ward Family,

After much prayer and consideration, we have decided to make some temporary changes to our our in-person worship due to some logistical factors and care related to COVID-19.

For the rest of the month of January, we will only be holding Sacrament meeting. The meeting will continue to be 30 min long followed by the administration of the Sacrament.

Sacrament Meeting Virtual Broadcasts will be available using Zoom. If there are any members in need of technical assistance, please contact our Elders Quorum President, Bro. Kaihaku Chun who will help determine the best way to provide assistance.

Primary and Youth Activities will continue on Thursday Nights.

This Sunday, after Sacrament meeting, we will still conduct Aaron Priesthood Ordinations for Young Men advancing in the Priesthood. These will occur in the classrooms next to the Bishop’s Office.

There are rising anxieties and concerns during this pandemic, and at the same time a righteous desire and excitement to return to norm. I want you to know that your Bishopric is in constant prayer to know the right balance for you, Kahalu'u Ward. Times are unique, but I have also been encouraged by the words and actions of our church leaders.

President Ballard spoke to the Church News on Wednesday, Jan. 5, "Though the pandemic has raged on longer than hoped, we’ve been dealing with it wisely,” he noted, referring to the Church.

"The Church has not stopped; the Church has gone forward. We’ve used wisdom and good judgment. Where advisable, we have used masks. We have encouraged members of the Church to be vaccinated. Where the members of the Church have gathered, they have gathered with the spirit of watchful care for one another."

President Ballard acknowledged the anxiety many across the world are feeling as the pandemic continues. “Just keep smiling,” said the Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “The pandemic will wear itself out, but don’t let it wear you out. Just keep getting up in the morning and keep raising your families. Things will be OK.”

With Love,,

Ben K. Tano Bishop, Kahalu’u Ward

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