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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 1/29/23

Aloha Brothers and Sisters, Families Are Forever. This week, we took some time to work on our family history. While cleaning house my grandma came across some older family photos. Mom took pictures of those pictures and added them in the Family Search app.

It was a simple and easy way to add information and connect to our ancestors. Later we noticed names that have some ordinances to do, so we made it a family goal to take our ohana to the temple this year. Family History doesn’t have to be hard, and it’s not only for certain family members to do. We all have to take the opportunity to link and find lost names. Learning about our ancestors connects us to our ohana who came before us, and helps us to receive promised blessings.

“Do you want a sure way to eliminate the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors.” -Richard G. Scott

-Sarah Koa Afualo

Laurels President, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


Missionary Corner

Time is just flying by because I'm just enjoying myself so much. The MTC has been fun and the people I've met have become some of my best friends. But I am ready to go out into the field and do the lord's work.

- Elder Dano

I leave for Colorado Wednesday morning. Super excited but nervous at the same time. Going off of that just studying and indulging myself in this gospel has been such a blessing. It's what we do 24/7. I kinda wish I did this before my mission but the best time to start is always NOW. So I invite you all to just open your scriptures and say a prayer and just start reading a few verses and it will bless you day.

My language and social skills are improving little by little everyday. I'm not as afraid anymore to walk up to strangers and start talking to them or to knock on peoples doors. And everyday I am able to understand a little more when people speak to me. But I am still a long way from being good in the language. It will come with time. Although this past week was a little rough, I am still loving it. There were a lot of funny and exciting moments this week! - Elder Kekaula

Here's a scripture I read this past week which stood out to me: "For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still" - 2 Nephi 20:4. This is from the part where Nephi is quoting Isaiah and Isaiah is talking about the destruction that will fall upon the chosen people if they are unrighteous. The reason I liked this scripture is that even though we may turn from God and bring justice's wrath upon us, the hand of the Lord is always stretched out to us. Jesus Christ's atonement is always available for us to repent.

- Elder Kaonohi

As we left the chapel and rode our bikes home we decided to continue to press forward. We made it a goal to greet everyone we passed while we rode our bikes. As we got to the stop light right before our house we saw another person on their bike. We gave him our biggest smile and asked him how he was doing and where he was headed to. I think we caught him by surprise because he almost fell off when we said hello. Luckily he started to talk to us and we explained how we were missionaries. We then asked for his line (contact) and asked If he wanted to set up an appointment with us. He said yess, so we will teach him next week! This experience was a testament to me of the importance of keeping a positive mindset and positive attitude. - Sis. Ah Nee

We're teaching a super cool person named Hagio-san now. He stopped me at the train station last week because he saw my missionary tag and wanted to know more about the church. I exchanged lines (contact info) with him and talked to him throughout the week. He actually came to church on Sunday. - Elder Tano

As zone sisters we've been talking a lot about what makes a successful missionary, and the thought that came to me is a successful missionary, or a successful person in general, is someone who is repentant: recognizes their sin, asks for forgiveness, and tries to be better continually. There really is nothing we can do to "pay back" Jesus Christ for the Atonement He performed for us except make use of it; and that comes through offering up a broken heart & a contrite spirit through daily repentance. - Sis. Suguturaga

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