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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 1/22/23

Aloha Brothers and Sisters, When I was a missionary in Argentina I met a man, Maximo, who lived in a small village of about 500 people out in the remote grasslands of the Argentine Pampas. Before the missionaries arrived, the only religious presence in the village had been the Catholic church. Maximo was born and raised in the village, baptized in the Catholic cathedral as a baby, studied the Catechism in his youth, and regularly attended mass. Despite his devotion to his faith, he loved to talk with us about our beliefs and how they differed, or intersected, with his own. We had several friendly discussions, but there was one point of doctrine that he would not accept. He refused to concede that we believed in the same Jesus that the Catholic church worshipped. He had many reasons, and we had many counterarguments, but we never could come to an agreement. I thought of Maximo as I read through this week's Come Follow Me lesson, especially these verses from the first chapter of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:1-5 It's a famous passage, and one that has been dissected, analyzed, and deconstructed by both clerics and philosophers for hundreds of years. I won't try to add any new interpretation here, except to say that I love what a simple, powerful testimony it is of Jesus Christ (the JST clarifies that when John says "the Word" he is referring to Christ). The words are clear, commanding, and straight forward—Jesus is the creator and the source of all light in the world. I thought of Maximo because I think that all Christians believe Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. Catholics understand that. Protestants understand that. We understand that. As John says, it is the darkness that doesn't understand. I'm thankful to be studying the New Testament again this year. We have so much in common with people of other faiths around us, and even those who aren't necessarily religious but are sources of light and good in our community. Studying the life of Christ is a good reminder of how we can be sources of light as well. As the scripture says... "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." With love, Marshall Comstock Ward Clerk, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • Jan 22, Sunday 4:00 pm - Temple & Priesthood Preview @ Waikalua Chapel (Primary Room)

  • Jan 22, Sunday 7:00 pm - SED @ Bishop’s Home

  • Jan 26, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 22, Sunday 2:00 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 29, Sunday 2:00 pm - Sacrament Meeting @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Feb 2, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Feb 2, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @ Waikalua Chapel

Congratulations to Kahalu'u Ward Youth for taking home FIRST PLACE in the Stake Youth Volleyball Tournament this past weekend! Along the way, they beat the YSA Ward, Kailua Ward and Kaneohe 3rd Ward!

Missionary Corner

Elder Dano checking in. Still soooo cool to say that. So far it's been a wonderful experience here at the MTC and I'm loving every second I'm here. My district is the best like we gel and just support each other in every way we can. We're such good friends and we get along well. Mtc life has been fun. I never went to college so this is my little college experience. Living in a dorm on campus, going to class and having a dining hall. Loving it!

- Elder Dano

I'm finally in Malaysia!!! My first full day in Sibu was crazy!!! We did so much biking that day. I think we biked around 40km which is roughly 25 miles. My legs and butt are still burning. But it was all worth it because I met so many people and made a bunch of new memories. We went and visited with a few families that lived in a kampung. Kampung means village in Malay. So there are these kampung on the outskirts of the towns which a pretty much family villages. When I first walked through I was kinda sketched out because the area didn't look safe. But the people in these kampung are so nice. It looks like a place where outsiders aren't welcomed, but they really don't mind if you are there. After this we biked over to a place called Kemunyang. We met with another family there and ate really good food. What made it really funny was when we got back to our apartment, my companion felt so bad because he didn't realize how far these places were that we visited. He was like "normally we don't bike this much but I miscalculated the distances. - Elder Kekaula

Our friend Christina who we found, taught, and put on date back in Koshigaya committed to that date, took the remaining lessons she needed from the elders as well as the baptismal interview this past week, and received the wonderful ordinance of baptism on Sunday. I don't know if I ever shared how we met, but it was one of my favorite moments of my mission where the guidance of the Holy Ghost was just so evident! Me and Kiyotani 姉妹 found her about 2.5 transfers ago when we were riding our bikes on the way to the chapel, saw Christina on the street corner with various bags so we stopped and asked if she needed help, and she said yes. As we walked her home, we explained what we do as missionaries and she said she had been praying for a Christian church to go to since moving to Japan from Cameroon 1.5 years ago. And then she said she knows us meeting was not a coincidence, cuz it turns out she didn't have any particular reason to be standing on the sidewalk where she was, but as she was walking home she literally felt the spirit pull her and tell her to stop and wait at that spot. Then 2 minutes later we rode past and stopped and talked to her. Every lesson and interaction with her since then has been just an adventure and a half. She's so funny and lovely and Christly, and has become one of my great friends who I just know we knew each other in the premortal life, and I know I had to come to Japan to meet her. Love her so much! - Sis. Suguturaga

One of the experiences we had so far was while we were door knocking. We ran across a member out of no where who invited us in. This was the first member we had met since coming here so it was a nice surprise. As we got to know him and his daughter he was with, he explained how his daughter was turning 8 in February and he had been preparing her for baptism. He wanted us to give a lesson on baptism and so we did. It was great because the dad felt like a third missionary companion. We went though the lesson and at the end when my companion and I testified the dad joined in and also testified about the importance for baptism. We were able to feel the love he had for his daughter and though his daughter was still young it seemed like she was starting to understand more. The crazy part was that the member was supposed to have been in Brisbane for work and we decided to walk the street a second time and that's right when he got home. We missed him the first time. It was a really cool experience and something I know God planned for us and wanted to happen.

- Elder Kaonohi

We found 3 new friends! Through social media i found Yoshiさん and minamiさん. I video called them and taught them about the Book of Mormon and the joy that comes from Jesus Christ. It's amazing to see how the Lord is really hastening the work of gathering Israel. I have grown to see the importance of finding people through ALL METHODS. As I was talking with Minamiさん she mentioned that my stories on Facebook caught her attention and caused her to want to learn about "why I'm always happy" as she says. People recognize the light that we have!! We must be examples of Christ in all that we say and do because it doesn't go unrecognized. - Sis. Ah Nee

Sorry, I forgot to send an email this week. It was my birthday so I'll just add some pictures to this email. My district surprised me with a cake! I'll talk about things more next week. - Elder Tano

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