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Kahalu'u Ward Message 1/2/22

Aloha and Happy New Year Kahalu'u Ward,

I wanted to provide a brief message regarding our virtual Sacrament program feed. Due to the rise in COVID cases, we are planning to continue to offer our virtual feed for the time being. However, we are going to switch the feed from YouTube to Zoom. If you need technical assistance, please contact Bro. Wei Hiew. We believe that our safety protocols for in-person worship will continue to create a safe environment, and do ask that you err on the side of caution if you are feeling ill or have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive, to please refrain from in-person attendance. Thank you sincerely, Bishop Tano This week, our ward message is provided by our Ward Mission Leader, Bro. Danny Afualo. Brothers and Sisters of the Kahalu’u Ward,

Happy New Year! As we start the year of 2022, many of us will look back at 2021 and be reminded of our accomplishments, trials, hardships, victories, crowning moments, struggles and setbacks. As it is with each new year a good amount of us will evaluate these past experiences and recommit ourselves to new goals and habits that may impact us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or even financially for the next 12 months.

We will write these new or revisited goals and resolutions down, we will make posters or charts, enter reminders into our phones or tablets, we will share with others our reasonings, aspirations and commitment to these new found ideas, habits or opportunities that we have imagined or envisioned. However, within the first three months of the year a few of us will allow bad or old practices to creep back in and derail us from our once focused efforts for a new or improved ‘us’. This may become frustrating for some, while others may resign to the thought, ‘that’s just the way it is’ or ‘maybe I set my expectations too high’ or the dreaded, ‘Oh well, at least I tried..’. It is these people (myself included) that I wish to speak to today…those that have started the journey with great hopes and desires, yet in the process have shelved those desires for improvement for whatever reason it may be for something convenient.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, many of us can recall the day we entered the waters of Baptism. For me it was a cold, February evening at the Jacksonville North Carolina Chapel. The water was freezing and my Dad told me, ‘Stop complaining!’. I remember my teeth chattering as if I was sending a telegraph, and really dreading being submerged under this icy water. As my Dad offered the prayer, and the moment came, I distinctly remember only coming out of the water and feeling a change come over me. As we prepared to rejoin the service, I recall feeling what I could only describe for many years to come, as a ‘warm feeling’. Even to this day 35 years later, I can remember three things from my Baptism, first that I had truly felt the Spirit and recognized it for what it was, for what I believe was the first time, second, the water was freezing and lastly, we ate at Burger King afterwards.

Since that day in 1986, I have had many recommitments to follow the Savior on his path to living the Gospel to the fullest and on many occasions I have allowed laziness, poor judgements, lack of motivation and undisciplined actions that have stalled me from time to time from reaching my spiritual goals in a timely manner. Still from that day over three decades ago, I have learned that I do not need to wait for the start of a new year to recommit myself to a better ‘me’. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, along with my covenant that I made at the waters of Baptism, I have learned that by partaking of the Sacrament on a weekly basis, I can be blessed with His Spirit to help me as I navigate consistently through my trials and shortcomings. This weekly reminder allows me to regain my focus on my eternal goals, which in turn helps me to understand my temporal goals and how I can better serve others.

As we begin this year, may we look towards the Sacrament as our weekly reminder that God loves us, he understands that we may fall short, and that Christ’s Atonement can help us renew

our spirits and that he has blessed us with an understanding Bishop and others to help us achieve our spiritual and temporal goals. May we use this weekly ordinance as a means to re-evaluate our lives and make the necessary adjustments or changes that will allow us to be even as our Savior, Jesus Christ.

With Aloha,

Danny Afualo Ward Mission Leader, Kahalu’u Ward

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