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Kahalu'u Ward Message 1/1/23

Aloha Kahaluu Ward,

During our family trip to Japan, we traveled all over the place to enjoy the beauty this country has to offer. To get from one city to the next, we rode so many trains and subways. These trains were so long in length and pretty crowded. It amazes me how a small single movement of the metal track would change the entire course of this large object. Our family actually got off course a couple of times missing our goal. Thank goodness there’s always a way to retract and get ourselves back on course. And every time we did, there was a sense of relief and joy.

As the end of this year approaches, I reflect back to the times I’ve gone off course spiritually. But I’ll never forget the happiness and how safe I felt every time I was guided back on course. I remember a quote I really enjoyed from one of our General Authorities. (I apologize I don’t remember who it was). But he said something to the affect of,

As you set new goals and New Years resolutions and ways how to accomplish these goals, keep in mind - The past has gone, learn from it. The future is coming, prepare for it. The present is here, live in it!

Mahalo Kahalu’u Ward for being a part of that help for me. Truly appreciate you all.

Happy New Year! Bro Joe Fano

Sunday School President, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm (1 Hour only) @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • Jan 1, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 1, Sunday 2 pm - Sacrament Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 5, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 5, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Night @Waikalua Chapel

  • Jan 8, Sunday 2:00 pm - Fast & Testimony Meeting @Waikalua Chapel

Missionary Corner

One million fifty one thousand six hundred minutes… minus whatever that is if you take off eight days. Words cannot accurately describe how absolutely life changing these past two years have been for me. The memories I’ve made, the people I’ve met, everything about my missionary experience has been unforgettable and I’m so grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to testify of my Savior and Redeemer throughout the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ is truly transformational and I know that through His revolutionary love, we can develop the faith to see miracles and lift those around us each and every day. - Elder Tano

18 MONTHS !!! 2 Corinthians 6:16 "...and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." Alma 26:37 "...we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people..." - Sis. Suguturaga

Something that I learned the other night was that momentum can swing both ways. It can swing in a positive direction and also in a negative direction. When things get hard in life and it feels like it will never get better, just know and have the faith that it will. Be optimistic and look forward with a positive mindset that things will swing back in a positive direction. It's normal to have hard times. That's just the momentum of life swinging back and forth. - Elder Elijah Kekaula

We had an appointment with one of our investigators we had been teaching. This is the one who's husband is an inactive member but they want to get married in the temple. We planned to teach the Plan of Salvation and after we went through the lesson, Elder Fukofuka was prompted to ask if she would commit to being baptized. In the end we were able to put her on date for baptism on January 29th, next year. It was an amazing experience and if I'm lucky and I'm in the area or nearby next transfer I might be able to see her get baptized. That'll be incredible. - Elder Kaonohi

I have come to personally know and love the scripture (which is also Benson shimai's favorite scripture) Ether 12:27. There have been so many days where I felt like the weakest of the weak. Somedays the language didn't come or I felt inadequate to teach the gospel. However it was during these times that I turned my heart to the Lord and I was strengthened in my weaknesses. I testify that as we turn our hearts to the Lord and align our will with His, our weaknesses are made strong, and our trials turn into our greatest victories. - Sis. Ah Nee

Can I just say how much I LOVE JESUS CHRIST! Being a missionary in and of itself just really helps the focus of Christmas to go back to Christ, but being in a non-christian / non- christmas celebrating country just double whammys it and I feel like these 2 factors combined really elevated my sensitivity to Christ this year, and not only His birth, but His ultimate sacrifice that allows me to be so happy in my life! - Sis. Suguturaga

I gave my first priesthood blessing to a member in Japanese this week. Her name is Hirata-shimai. She was having headaches at work and asked me and my companion if we could give her a blessing. My companion gave me the opportunity to do it. It was in simple Japanese and I don't remember much of it, but I know that I felt the spirit and that my Japanese is improving. - Elder Tano

Can you find Sis. Ah Nee in this picture too? They are not just in the same mission, but also same District! ha ha

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