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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 10/31/21

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters of The Kahalu'u Ward,

My mission president taught us the importance of daily contact with our investigators. At first I thought it was a bit excessive and that they would become annoyed with us. But as we followed our mission president's counsel, I began to notice the wisdom in it. Investigators needed to hear the voice of the Lord on a regular basis in order for them to experience the transformation that only comes from living the gospel and feeling the Spirit.

Since coming home from my mission, I have tried to apply the same principle to myself, except now, my job is to seek out daily contact with the Spirit of the Lord. Not just reading a verse or two here and there, but pondering and asking for that opportunity to FEEL the spirit. A few years back I sat in a meeting with Elder Golden of the seventy and he taught a principle that I will never forget. He said “When you feel the spirit - that feeling is the Lord CLEANSING you.” That principle changed the way I thought of seeking daily personal revelation and contact with the spirit. I hope everyone enjoys stake conference!

McKay Mills 1st Counselor Kahalu'u Ward Bishopric

Stake Conference Schedule & Links


  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for October can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Oct 9th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Nov 6th assignment: Tano (team lead), Afualo, Balukoff, Chun (KC & Kyra), Fano, Greer, Inouye, Kaonohi (Aaron & Sylvianne), Kimokeo, Makaiau, Nauahi (Eleni), Skaggs-Gorai, Teriitua, Vilardi.

  • Tithing Settlements: Appointments are available for Tithing settlements Nov 7th, 14th, and 21st. Sign up sheets are available at the chapel on the door of the clerk's office.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • 2021 Indexing Challenge: Deadline is Nov 19 @ 2pm.

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