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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 10/17/21

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

Two weeks ago we had the chance to hear from our Church leaders during our October General Conference. In our family we didn't catch all the sessions, but we are lucky to be able to have all the transcripts and videos accessible online so easily.

If you haven't already, take the time to go back and look over some of the talks in the sessions that you didn't get to see. You can find them all here.

Marshall Comstock

Kahalu'u Ward Executive Secretary

Meeting Schedule & Links


  • Ward Halloween Trunk or Treat on Oct 16 @ 6pm: We will hold a trunk or treat activity in the parking lot of the chapel this coming Saturday evening. No potluck or food provided, but if you'd like to bring your own dinner you are welcome to eat by your car. An outdoor movie may also be available, weather permitting. In order to participate you will need to sign up here; this sign up sheet will also be available this afternoon on the table as you walk into sacrament meeting.

  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for October can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Oct 9th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Oct 23rd assignment: Comstock (Team Lead), Tylers, Soon (Kahawai), Nauahi, Leoiki-Haile, Kekaula (Keanue & Amy), Inouye, Garcia, Fakatou, Candari, Afualo.

  • Come & See Fireside on Oct 24: Our ward will host a Come & See Artists Fireside on Sunday October 24 at 7pm. The fireside will feature Esther Candari and Brook Parker as they talk about their work. See attached flyer for details.

  • The Kaneohe Stake will hold Stake Conference on Saturday Oct 30, and Sunday Oct 31. Meeting times TBA.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

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