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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 10/24/21

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It's always amazing to me how fast time flies. Last week at this time, I was in California wrapping up a wonderful vacation with my family. One of the great things about family vacations is that you get to spend all day, every day 24/7 with your family free from school, work and other responsibilities. It's like a little glimpse of heaven on Earth. As my sons get older, I'm learning to cling on harder and harder to the time I have as their father while they are still in their youth. The days of holding their hands while walking in public and making sure they don't get lost or separated is over, but I've transitioned that to putting my arm around them! Ha Ha! Can't get rid of me that easily! Time went by all too quickly, but we created new memories that will be cherished forever. Our lives here on Earth are a twinkle in eternity. We cannot capture time in a bottle, but one of the beautiful rewards of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the eternal perspective that it gives us. As we follow the Lord's Covenant Path, we qualify ourselves for eternal happiness. That kind of happiness to me is like the promise of eternal family vacations! ...and as great as that sounds, we know that the Lord actually promises us so much more than that.

So let us walk down that Covenant Path together! If you find yourself facing challenges too great, please don't feel like you have to face them alone. Whether mental stress, financial stress, overwhelming responsibilities, struggles with family relationships, struggles with spiritual growth or even your own testimony, please reach out. The Spirit of the Lord can heal the brokenhearted. Be prayerful. Be faithful. The Lord loves you. "Therefore, hold on thy way... for God shall be with you forever and ever." D&C 122:9 With Love, Bishop Tano, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Program: CLICK HERE

  • Sacrament Meeting @ 2pm:

  • Relief Society 2nd Hour @ 3pm:

  • Youth 2nd Hour @ 3pm: No Broadcast

  • Primary 2nd Hour @ 3pm: No Broadcast


  • Come & See Fireside on Oct 24: Our ward will host a Come & See Artists Fireside this Sunday October 24 at 7pm. The fireside will feature Esther Candari and Brook Parker as they talk about their work.

  • Chapel Cleanup: Our ward is responsible for Chapel Cleanup now through December. Team assignments for October can be found HERE. Cleanup will take place at 8am this coming Saturday (Oct 9th) unless other arrangements are made.

    • Oct 30th assignment: Kaihaku Chun (Team Lead), Tom, Skaggs-Gorai, Nauahi (Eleni), Leilua, Kaonohi (Pene/Iwingaro), Hughes, Furtado, Dano (Dayton/Vika), Balukoff, Teriitua.

  • The Kaneohe Stake will hold Stake Conference on Saturday Oct 30, and Sunday Oct 31. Meeting times TBA.

  • Tithing Settlements: Appointments are available for Tithing settlements beginning Sunday, Oct 31 and continuing Nov 7 and Nov 14. Sign up sheets are available at the chapel on the door of the clerk's office.

  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this calendar, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • 2021 Indexing Challenge: Deadline is Nov 19 @ 2pm.

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