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Kahalu'u Ward Message 4/2/23

Happy General Conference Weekend!

I have been using the Come Follow Me app for some of my personal scripture study and just the other day the lesson posed the question, “How can you keep your heart open to see God’s miracles.” This question has me thinking more deeply on the state of my heart and appreciating even more my heart’s intentions and desires, as Alma discussed in the Book of Mormon- Alma chapter 5 versus 26.

26 And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?

After several years of difficulty and feeling like my perceived suffering might never end I finally gave up the mental chatter and dove whole heartedly into embedding gospel principals more deeply into my heart by knowing my Savior better. I started reading my scriptures more and more and with more appreciation. Studying the book, Jesus The Christ, has helped me tremendously to connect more deeply. Regular temple attendance with my husband has brought me more peace, and the joy of serving our ward and the youth has kept me humble and on my spiritual toes.

Today, I do feel to sing the song of redeeming love because I can see how far I have come in my personal journey to heal through the power of the atonement.

Dear brothers and sisters, I love this gospel. I love our Savior, his church and all of you. I am grateful for His redeeming love for all of us, and for the life he lived, which is a perfect example for us to learn from in our pursuit to know him better. I hope you have a wonderful conference weekend and that the spirit strengthens you, uplifts you and enlarges your capacity to love the Savior more.

Much love to you,

Sister Ka’iulani Lau YW President, Kahalu'u Ward

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • April 1, Saturday 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm - April 2023 General Conference Sessions

  • April 2, Sunday 6 am, 10 am - April 2023 General Conference Sessions


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • APRIL: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • April 6, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 6, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Activity @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 8, Saturday 6-7 pm - Ward Primary Easter Activity @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 9, Sunday 2:00 pm - Easter Sunday (Sacrament Only) @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 15, Saturday 6 pm - Ward Conference Dinner @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 16, Sunday 2 pm - Ward Conference @ Waikalua Chapel

Missionary Corner

Last moments in the MTC!

- Elder Candari

I didn't have much time to send an email this week, but I love the people of Japan! - Elder Tano

I'm leaving feeling content. I remember first arriving here feeling so sad and anxious, and wondering why, but leaving I know I've found many many reasons why I needed to be here. I've found more eternal friends, learned a lot about relying on God and Jesus Christ, and about how the spirit speaks to me. I've cried a lot, biked kilometres on kilometres, felt so so tired but it was in those moments I've felt angels. I've laughed harder than I thought I could, saw more miracles than I probably deserve, and just loved so much and felt so much love from all the people God granted me to cross paths with. It's crazy how much can be experienced in such a short amount of time. I'm so so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve here in Togane. It has truly become a special place for me and a ward I know I'll come back and visit often! - Sister Suguturaga

General Conference is coming up and I’m really excited but I was never a real good general conference watching but I'm excited to finally sit down and watch it. So I advise that all of you mark your calendars for this very special event to listen to our living prophet and apostles. Go into it with questions that you have and I promise they will be answered. - Elder Dano

We also had a baptism on Saturday for Renくん! It was my first baptism that I got to see. When Renくん bore his testimony I cried, I felt the spirit so strongly and he had the biggest smile on his face the whole time he had his program. I know that this gospel brings so much joy to people's lives and that is why I am here serving a mission! I want to bring people unto Christ so that they may feel the joy I know comes from this gospel and receive the blessings that come from being baptized and confirmed.

- Sister Ah Nee

We need to grow and build our own faith and testimonies. We can't rely on the faith and testimonies of others. So, today I want to invite you all to take charge of the responsibility! To go and try to learn of, live like, and become like Christ. We can do this by studying the scriptures daily, both personally and with family! And I promise as you try to do these things the Lord will bless you. All blessings come from our faith an trust in God, and taking charge of your own personal growth is a great way to show your faith in Him! - Elder Kekaula

My area is pretty much in the middle of nowhere and there are no other missionarys anywhere close. I love the people though they are the best. - Elder Vilardi

ust yesterday apparently I hit my 6 months out. I totally forgot about it until some people that I started the MTC together with posted about it on Facebook. Honestly I've been trying not to count the days much, but it's crazy how it's already been half a year out. Somedays I feel like I've been out for forever and others it feels like I just came out. - Elder Kaonohi

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