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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/13/22

Aloha Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday as I was reading over the Come Follow Me topic for this past week I noticed a line that stuck out to me from the story of Joseph. Joseph's brothers were all jealous of him because they believed that their father loved Joseph best. They became blinded by the hatred that they felt toward him and ultimately "could not speak peaceably unto him." (Genesis 37:4)

Joseph's brothers ended up throwing him into a pit just to be rid of him—though that was only after some persuasion; they had wanted to just kill him. This made me think of the references made in the scriptures that compare evil deeds and feelings to "digging a pit for thy neighbor." Joseph's brothers were so blinded by hatred that they did not try to listen or understand Joseph when he spoke to them about his dreams. They just wanted him to go away.

That inability to "speak peaceably" with others sounds a little too familiar. It feels like a lot of what we hear in the world these days, even in our own community. I imagine a whole population of angry people trying to dig pits for their neighbors.

I admit that I struggle sometimes to "speak peaceably" with people who've made me angry for whatever reason, but anger is the easy way out and the teachings of Jesus Christ instruct us to love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies. Ultimately, Joseph does forgive his brothers, something I'm not sure I could do. But I hope I can use his example as inspiration next time someone makes me mad and my first instinct is to throw them in a pit.

In the Sermon on The Mount Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."


Brother Marshall Comstock

Kahalu'u Ward Clerk

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