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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Message 3/26/23

Aloha Kahalu’u Ohana,

With General Conference just around the corner, it is a good time for us to prepare ourselves and our families to hear the words of our living prophet, apostles and also to be opened to the influences of the Holy Ghost.

Growing up in our home, Conference Sunday was the time when we would have the best Sunday brunches. I remember waking up early and hearing the hymns playing from the 6 am conference session. Our home was filled with a sweet spirit followed by feelings of excitement for conference and Sunday brunch. I distinctly remember one of my seminary teachers challenging us to think about and write down questions that we had, or concerns that we were dealing with at that time. She explained that by the end of conference we would hear our answers and find direction for our personal lives. I remember taking the challenge and as I listened to conference I wrote down specific answers to the questions that I had.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf stated,

“As you prepare for general conference, I invite you to ponder questions you need to have answered. … There are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations.”

I always look forward to general conference. Not only for the ono brunch, but it’s a chance to hear the things I need to hear in order to better strengthen myself and receive guidance and direction for my family. I am so grateful for a living prophet and apostles that can guide and direct us in these latter days. I hope we can find direction, peace, and personal revelation while we hear the words of our leaders. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Ben Hirokawa

Kahalu’u Ward Executive Secretary

Meeting Schedule & Links

  • Sacrament Meeting 2 pm @Waikalua Chapel

  • Sacrament Meeting Program: CLICK HERE


  • Missionary Meals: Our missionaries need meals and visits! Please sign up to meet with the Elders using this MEAL CALENDAR, or call them at (808) 379-8012.

  • MARCH: Hawaii Temple & Family History Newsletter

  • Mar 26, Sunday 7 pm - Sunday Evening Discussion @ Bishop’s House

  • Mar 26, Sunday 7:00 pm - Come & See Fireside @ Waikalua Chapel

  • Mar 27, Monday 10 am - Services / 11-2 pm - Celebration of Life for Louie Balukoff @ Kualoa Beach Park

  • Mar 30, Thursday 4:00 pm - Youth Temple Baptisms Meet @ Kahalu’u Park

  • April 1, Saturday 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm - April 2023 General Conference Sessions

  • April 2, Sunday 6 am, 10 am - April 2023 General Conference Sessions

  • April 6, Thursday 6:30 pm - Primary Activities @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 6, Thursday 6:30 pm - Youth Activity @ Waikalua Chapel

  • April 8, Saturday 6-7 pm - Ward Primary Easter Activity @ Waikalua Chapel

Missionary Corner

Leaving Monday at 3 am! Excited to get into the field tho. Eating like crazy to bulk because the food is free so why not. Had some spontaneous snowball fights which were wacky. Also some bozo stole my laundry while I was doing comp study so idk what that was all about.

- Elder Candari

こんにちは!This week I found out that I'm staying in Shimizu and I'm getting a new companion. My companion right now, Elder Soma is going to Okinawa. I also have a person with a baptism date for next week! His name is Minh and he's from Cambodia. This week was really busy because I met with him everyday, and I was also doing work online for Yatsushiro and Shimizu. The ward in Shimizu is super cool. There's about 50 members and I was surprised to see a primary again since there were no kids in Yatsushiro. Yatsushiro is closing and there will be no missionaries there anymore. I'm really sad about that but theres nothing I can really do about it. - Elder Tano

I've been recently studying the Book of Mormon from the beginning again, and wow I love this book! The stories of Nephi in the wilderness constantly having to face challenges but each time facing it with a trust in God and desire to do His work has been inspiring to me this past week. Sendai is really really different Togane, so it's def taking some getting used to, but I know the Lord would not have called me here to do His work save He shall provide a way. In particular I love 1 Nephi 17:40

"And He loveth those who will have Him to be their God"

One of the most simple messages of the restored gospel is that God is our loving Heavenly Father. Everything we experience is an expression of God's love for us, even if it may not seem like it at the time. We have to make that conscious choice everyday to feel His love. To let Him in. To have Him be our God! It's something I'm recognizing more and more throughout my mission, and as I'm slowly doing my best to follow God's will for me, I'm also discovering more of the love He has for me.

How do you see God's love in your life? - Sister Suguturaga

St. Patrick's day was one of our better days this week. We started the morning with some service at the Colorado action center. It's a center where they help families in need in the area. We helped sort pallets of food that got sent from Salt Lake. Funny story I was on the end of the conveyer belt and there were left over boxes so my job after i finished putting the boxss on my own pallet I also was to put the extra boxes on the extra pallets. So I did like six pallets while everyone was just working on one. So after were done the supervisor lady gave me a shout out. I got a round of applause felt real good. Flexed the muscles small kine . Then we did visits and ran into 2 older ladies that were shoveling their driveways while we were driving by. Both ladies didn't wanna accept our offer to help but we did it anyway. Both were teary eyed when we finished. The first lady was Carol and she lives alone. Then it was Alisa and her husband was just diagnosed with cancer and had his leg amputated. It was so special to help those 2 wonderful ladies out. I was thinking wow luck of the Irish that we were there at the right time. But a talk Brother Brad Wilcox gave at the MTC mentioned that the world isn't small and God governs our crossroads in life and we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Like we could've been driving by 30 minutes later or not even on that road but I truly believe we were suppose to be there and run into their oaths that day. That wasn't lucky we were there. - Elder Dano

Here is a quick funny story about how I know God is watching over me. So because I transfered from Fukuoka to Okinawa I had to ship my bike, so I'm currently using the elders old bike that was supposed to be thrown away. Let me give you a little background of how the bike's condition is, the brakes don't work, the chain is completely rusted, the seat adjustment doesn't stay where you set it, and the tires can't hold air. But biking with it has been fine, or so I thought. As I was biking to church yesterday I heard a loud clicking sound. I figured it was just my rusty chain so I kept riding. As I pedaled faster and rode down the hill the noise got louder and it started to get harder to pedal. I decided to stop and see what was wrong. When I looked at my chain I noticed that one of the spikes from my tire came off and got caught in the chain! It was completely jammed in my chain and I had no way of removing it. As my companion and I were trying to fix my bike a man who was running stopped and asked if we were alright. When he saw my bike chain he immediately asked if I flew off my bike. I said that it just got harder to pedal as I went down the hill. He then told me that he wasn't surprised that I didn't fly off my bike when I was going down the hill because one of the spikes from my tire got caught in my chain and should have stopped me from pedaling. HEAVENLY FATHER WATCHES OVER US!!

- Sister Ah Nee

I am doing great here in Malaysia! Still loving the work and the people. Here in Sibu Jaya we have a member family (the ones that gave the bug) and they are so so nice. They always feed us and invite us into their home. I love Malaysia man! It reminds me a lot of Hawaii so I don't feel too far away from home, even though I'm literally thousands of miles away. Ohh the language is really starting to stick. I've been noticing that now I'm beginning to think in the language. Like a lot of things that I say now, I don't have to translate from English first into Bahasa in my head. So that's really awesome. - Elder Kekaula

This is our church. As you can see it's not the best, but it's still enough that Italians come to attend every Sunday without any problems. I am so thankful for this Church! What are you grateful for today? - Elder Vilardi

Here's a crazy experience. We were in a lesson with one of our friends in the back of his house. We were talking with him and like twenty minutes in I looked down and saw one snake slithering right next to my foot. It was pretty much touching my foot and I just freaked out. It was a averaged sized one but when I jumped out of my seat the snake jumped and we all started freaking out. Our friend was even more spooked, he started calling the snake the devil. The snake slithered off but it still just was crazy. I wish I didnt freak out cuz then i would have gotten one picture, but that initial shock was enough. Its all good now but man that was a cool experience. - Elder Kaonohi

Today is our preparation day instead of Monday because we got to go to the Temple today! It was a sweet experience for me to go and reflect on the Savior and my role (and all of ours) in Heavenly Father's Plan. I know He loves each of you and cares enough about you that He sent His Only Begotten Son to Atone for your sins, weaknesses, and all that you can't do alone. He and His Son, and His Son's Atonement are real. It's all true! With love!

- Elder Boone

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