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  • Writer's pictureKahaluu Bishop

Kahalu'u Ward Announcement 2/20/23

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Dear Kahaluu Ward,

In 2023, our ward is placing a renewed emphasis in our Health & Wellness. In January, for the first 5th Sunday of the year, we brought in our LDS Family Services Counselors, Stewart Choi and Cory Komatsu to raise awareness in Mental Health. Going forward, we have a couple of new and exciting Faith based Health & Wellness initiatives ahead!

  1. Monthly Health & Wellness Class Every 4th Thursday - Starting this week, 6:30-8 PM @Waikalua Chapel (in the RS Room) Hosted by the Kahalu'u Ward Missionaries, this FREE Diabetes Prevention Program will be facilitated by Physicians Assistant, Karen Fetzer. This is a 9 class course that is open to the community, so please invite extended family, friends & neighbors.

  2. Following Christ with Footsteps of Faith Join us on a virtual walk towards the temple by tracking our combined daily steps ! Here’s how you can participate: Keep a log of your daily steps. Each month, tally your step count and bring it to church to be added. Watch our Kahalu’u Ward move across the island and world as we journey to the temples where our missionaries are serving.


Bishop Tano, Kahalu'u Ward

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